Friday, February 24, 2012

Almost half of patients with copd have anxiety

If you have emphysema or, you know how awful it feels when you get a cold virus. Breathing is very difficult with. This is not just a cold affect your ability to breathe and be active, but the cold virus increases your chances of getting more serious respiratory diseases. BothPare chronic lung diseases that make it difficult to breathe. Both diseases are chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, that they are the conditions that lead to airflow limitation and affect breathing. Emphysema and chronic bronchitisPmay occur separately or together, and usually the result of smoking. In addition, although this is rare, genetic form of emphysema can occur in early adult life, even if you never smoked. In your life includes chronic bronchitis and inflammation of the shell extension airways that leads to narrowing and airway obstruction. Inflammation and stimulates the production of mucus, which can lead to further airway obstruction. Airway obstruction, especially mixed with mucus, increases the likelihood of bacterial infection of lungs. Chronic bronchitis usually is defined clinically as a daily cough with phlegm production for three consecutive months. Symptoms of chronic bronchitis is a persistent cough and excess mucus. There is also a higher level of throat and lung infections. People with chronic bronchitis are more likely to both lungs and heart failure. contains many harmful chemicals and smoke our lungs a limited natural filtration / purification system. Cigarette smoke also contains substances that directly damage lung tissue. Smoking irritates the bronchial tubes in the lungs, which in turn leads to the formation of more mucus. Smokers cough, as is widely known, is a sign that the lungs are trying to purify themselves. Emphysema (also known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a group of lung diseases characterized by reduced ability of the lungs oxygenated blood. Emphysema and chronic bronchitisPmostly occur together. Emphysema develops over many years as a small air sacs in the lungs are gradually destroyed, usually cigarette smoke. As a result, the surface area to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide is inadequate, and patients are becoming more and more short of breath. Almost half of patients with COPD have anxiety, depression or other psychiatric disorders, compared with 31% in the general population. Women with COPD are more susceptible to psychological problems than men. Emphysema essentially a chronic disease that usually occurs after 40 years. It is rarer in women. almost sixteen million Americans suffer from some form of COPD and emphysema is the fourth ranking cause of death in the United States after heart disease, cancer and stroke.stages of emphysema symptoms What is smoking related diseases. (articlesbase. com)

(news. BBC lasix 7 mg .. co UK)

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