Friday, February 24, 2012

About 30 percent of the fractures is ...

Osteoporosis in young men in our time is becoming increasingly important public health problem. About 30 percent of fractures occurs in young men linked to osteoporosis.19 anabol testo The main cause of osteoporosis in men is excessive use of glucocorticoids (cortisone or prednisone) for long periods. Another important cause of osteoporosis in young men is hypogonadism which prevents the bone from achieving the desired bone lasix furosemide side effects mass. Secondary risk factors for osteoporosis in young men were drinking and smoking. Alcohol and smoking excessive liver damage that can result in vitamin D metabolism, and inhibits the formation of male hormone in the testes. Alcohol damages the bone, probably through a direct negative impact on the formation of bone cells. Whereas tobacco use is associated with increased cases of vertebral fractures in men, probably because of vascular problems. Nutrition is also a secondary factor. Especially those who consume less calcium and vitamin D have very low bone density and have a greater risk of developing osteoporosis at a young age. In addition, young men, followed by history with the greatest risk of developing osteoporosis than men who have no such stories:

Genetics: If a young person or parent of osteoporosis, then that person is likely to have osteoporosis than in Men whose parents have no such history. Kidney stones: young people with stones in the kidney, are at higher risk of developing osteoporosis. Pituitary gland problems or problems with the production of male hormones: young people who have experienced problems are at greater risk of osteoporosis. More Articles: How many people have osteoporosis? What is osteoporosis? How osteoporosis differ from osteomalacia? .

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